"For every 10,000 colorless diamonds, there is only one natural fancy colored diamond."
Jacques Legrand, Dutch Author & Publicist
There are two distinct markets for diamonds that function virtually independently of each other. Colorless (white) diamonds constitutes 97% of gem-quality production, influenced largely by De Beers. As only around 3% of diamonds are considered Rare & Unique, including natural fancy colored diamonds, there are very few people that have genuine access to these type of diamonds.
Collectors sometimes wait for years to get a particular stone. At any given time there may be 0 to 5 fine blue diamonds in the world market. As a leader of high quality diamonds through the strength of their associations, the Wins are the first to hear about and have access to these unique diamonds.
Fine natural fancy blue diamonds have approximately doubled in value every five to six years; pink every six to seven years; yellow every eight to ten years. The reason:The demand for fancy natural colored diamonds has always outweighed supply. There are always fewer rare natural fancy colored diamonds than buyers. Prices have continued to rise with no downside.
Natural fancy diamond collection.